So Touch in Châtelet

BelgiëSo Touch



🕗 openingstijden

14, Rue du Calvaire, 6200, Châtelet, Hainaut, BE Belgien
contacten telefoon: +32 71 39 81 49
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.4034546, Longitude: 4.5242436

opmerkingen 5

  • fr

    Ben Marchal


    Un accueil chaleureux et propre. Les massages sont à la hauteur de mes attentes

  • fr

    Marie-Françoise Vanvelthem


    Belle expérience Travail minutieux et très soigné Un plaisir à s'offrir

  • en

    Judith McLean


    I have been to So Touch several times for a medical pedicure and massage. The lady is very professional. I recommend this place for pedicure and massage.

  • Sophie Ketki

    Sophie Ketki


    Expérience formidable. Accueil chaleureux. Décor magique. Large choix de massages et de soins. J'ai pris une pédicure médicale et un massage. Mes pieds sont comme neufs et mes douleurs au dos se sont envolées.

  • Bridgette Gottwald

    Bridgette Gottwald


    DON'T GO HERE! My experience at "So Touch" was awful. I went in for a pedicure, and walked out with no paint on my toe nails. The lady was incredibly rude, and extremely unprofessional. She raised her voice at me, was rude, was talking back to me and made me feel extremely uncomfortable. Personally, next time I am paying someone 60 euros for a pedicure, I expect to be treated kindly, and to walk out with paint on my toe nails. This is a terrible organization, with poor regards for business and I certainly will NOT be returning. If you are looking into going there, I would HIGHLY recommend you save yourself and adjust your plan.

Schoonheidssalon in de buurt

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