Snuffel Hostel in Brugge

BelgiëSnuffel Hostel



🕗 openingstijden

42, Ezelstraat, 8000, Brugge, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgia
contacten telefoon: +32 50 33 31 33
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.21318, Longitude: 3.218611

opmerkingen 5

  • Dylan Noblett

    Dylan Noblett


    Great hostel in Bruges. Staff is super friendly and attentive. Our room was spacious and the lockers are great. They are combo locks so you don’t need to bring a padlock. Bar is great and the prices are super fair. Drink a few here and then go explore!

  • Alexandra Skyba

    Alexandra Skyba


    Очень чистый и опрятный хостел. Вкусные завтраки, что стало большим плюсом. Хостел находится в 7ми минутах ходьбы к центру Брюгге. Очень приветливый персонал. На первом этаже есть бар, с разнообразными видами пива. Бар совсем не слышно в хостел, очень хорошая звукоизоляция. По просьбе предоставили завтрак на 1,5 часа раньше) Вид из панорамных окон изумителен!)

  • 17xyz17



    Great hostel to stay in. Rooms are spacious and clean. Bathrooms are clean too. Staff is very nice (and beautiful). The kitchen is big and clean, good to cook. The downstairs bar has a good beer selection and is filled up with people: you also have the option to get a discounted card for a few beers. A nice place to stay for sure.

  • en

    Avi Rajender


    This hostel gets 5-stars for quality by the price you pay. The lounge area, living room, and kitchen are very homely, and the hostel is overall very huge, spacious and modern. The rooms themselves are very large with huge lockers and comfortable beds. Bus stop is right across the street if you don't feel like walking 10 minutes into the city center.

  • en

    Elise Morrow


    The rooms were very clean and spacious, but most importantly the staff were extremely helpful! They had great suggestions for things to do and were always more than happy to help you with anything. The free breakfast is also a plus. Can't recommend this hostel enough!

Bar in de buurt

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