Snack Le Botanique (Halal) in Saint-Josse-ten-Noode

BelgiëSnack Le Botanique (Halal)



🕗 openingstijden

12, Chaussée de Haecht, 1210, Saint-Josse-ten-Noode, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 217 49 47
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8547999, Longitude: 4.3671727

opmerkingen 5

  • Arunas Andriulaitis

    Arunas Andriulaitis


    Cheap, quick, typical, not too polite, but stright and I love it :) Typical quick kebab place, but I like personas Big wrap - 4eur

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    Metin Ercaliskan


    Very good service,very delicious and fresh food,best in town,thank u for everything guys.Fantastisk,BEST IN TOWN. *******************

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    Willem van Dijk


    Snackbar. Some of these can be quite good but the burgers I had there were disgusting.

  • Mac Mirza

    Mac Mirza


    Excellent kofte durum! Great value for money!

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    Julian Alber


    Great snack place. For huge appetite, try the 'Kapsalon' that is a mix of fries, roasted meat with grilled cheese salad and sauces. Talking about sauces, the garlic sauce fits great with everything. Sauce 'americaine' is quiet spicy but you can always ask for a mix (free). 'Hariza', a hot pepper sauce adds a hot tasty punch to everything! Other than that, locals like a sandwich with the same ingredients as the kapsalon called 'matriette' . Its a massive portion but beware, the baguette is not very tasty. The place is definitely not a chique restaurant but there are seating options and the staff is super friendly - speaks even a little English.

Restaurant in de buurt

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