Skoda D'Ieteren Mail in Ixelles

BelgiëSkoda D'Ieteren Mail



🕗 openingstijden

50, Rue du Mail, 1050, Ixelles, BE Belgien
contacten telefoon: +32 2 536 55 11
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8223623, Longitude: 4.3603002

opmerkingen 4

  • Lucyna Petitpas

    Lucyna Petitpas


  • Ben D

    Ben D


  • Simon Agger

    Simon Agger


  • Eugen Euu

    Eugen Euu


    So. We call and ask if it is possible to program a new key for a Skoda RS Combi. Come, they say. It will last 30 minutes and cost 60 Euros. We arrive and we are told that the car will be done tomorrow. We come back the next day. Car is not fixed and we get charged 150 Euros. They cannot fix the error in the imobilizer and try to reprogram the key. They do that also wrong. Do avoid this service at all costs. Seek professional help elsewhere as long as it is not at Skoda D'Iteren. Now, we are trying to fix it ourselves, in front of the "Service".

Autohandelaar in de buurt

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