Sirre - Basilica in Koekelberg

BelgiëSirre - Basilica



🕗 openingstijden

2, Avenue Emile Bossaert, 1081, Koekelberg, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 414 75 40
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.865081, Longitude: 4.318557

opmerkingen 5

  • fr

    Olivier Moyart


    Personnel toujours souriant et accueillant ! De la couques au sandwich , pistolet , pain et pâtisserie , Gateau tout l assortiment et juste fabuleux ! Service Rapide malgré la fille jusque sur le trottoir sa vaut le coup d être un peu patient !

  • Ninite jean-paul

    Ninite jean-paul


    Excellente pâtisserie très réputé sont de très bons gâteaux comme de très bon pain beaucoup de personnel servi assez vite problème pour la place de parking aussi non vraiment aller voir

  • en

    Mohamed Khaladi



  • Alan Chbeir

    Alan Chbeir


    Boulangerie ? Have you tried their croissant, pain au chocolat ? Seriously very bad!!! And I kept going there thinking maybe it will get better ! Nope ! Wrong, expensive and not good. Bread and some tartes are ok You can order a pricy birthday cake from there, and gladly this can be very good and tasty (at least something good 😉) Service can be better, you might need to pay more for a smile 🤔.

  • Faisal IQBAL

    Faisal IQBAL


    I can understand when you have to wait long in the line to get your favorite cake & pastry and you don't want to wait otherwise they have quality products from Bread to Cake all are well made. Yes they are expensive !

Bakkerij in de buurt

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