Shamrock Hotel / Restaurant & Bar de Tielt

BelgiqueShamrock Hotel / Restaurant & Bar



🕗 horaire

24, Euromarktlaan, 8700, Tielt, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 51 40 15 31
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.001997, Longitude: 3.3399799

commentaires 5

  • en

    jeroen leus


    Nice hotel, conference rooms, small parking when hotel is fully booked

  • Gerben Maes

    Gerben Maes


    First visit to the new lounge. Friendly staff and delicious drinks. The oysters were nice too!

  • en

    Ritson Bentley


    Stay here frequently. Wonderful staff, the best food ever...just great.

  • Richard Cullen

    Richard Cullen


    Nice hotel. Clean rooms and public areas. Rates are around the 100-130 euro mark. Food in the restaurant was very good and to very high standard. Most starters around 20 euros (soup was 6) and main meals 25-35 euros. Desserts were around 8 euros. I had Fillet steak which was excellent. Bar meals are also available at lower prices. Breakfast was comprehensive - cooked egg and bacon and selection of cold meats, bread and pastries. Nespresso coffee and good selection of teas also available, along with various juices. Comfy beds and good hot shower. Rooms starting with sixty or seventy are in a modern block and more than adequate for single occupancy. Staff are friendly and very helpful. I would recommend staying there.

  • Michal Grzywaczewski

    Michal Grzywaczewski


    Very confortable hotel with great restaurant. Bar open till last customer :)

Lodging la plus proche

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