Serenata in Zaventem




🕗 openingstijden

10, Heldenplein, 1930, Zaventem, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 725 49 29
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8850512, Longitude: 4.4704106

opmerkingen 5

  • Wilbert van der Kruk

    Wilbert van der Kruk


    Excellent fish platter "orchestra di mare" and also the tagliata di manzo is very good.

  • Gertjan Verdickt

    Gertjan Verdickt


    Panna cota and Tiramisu were not so good (at all)

  • Samira Lima

    Samira Lima


    I was there with my team for a dinner between colleagues. I must admit that 1st and 2nd were great as also the wine. However I had some issue while eating my dessert. The creme brule didn't look and taste so fresh thus I mentioned to waiters my discomfort and he tried to find an excuse for me. I wasn't please with this kind of behaviour neither my colleagues therefore I don't believe we are going ever back there.

  • Thibault Dosunmu

    Thibault Dosunmu


    Friendly and helpful staff. Classic Italian place with a nice atmosphere.

  • Merve Günaydın

    Merve Günaydın


    There goes another great Italian restaurant! In my opinion this restaurant is worth the try... The food is good; the service is nice, the location is convenient and the restaurant is charming and cosy... I see it as a great place for romantic date nights ! What I appreciate most was the waiters who could speak French, Dutch, English, Italian... I mean, really? Wow! If I may, I recommend this place; give it a try :)

Restaurant in de buurt

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