Salient Tours & The British Grenadier Bookshop in Ieper

BelgiëSalient Tours & The British Grenadier Bookshop



🕗 openingstijden

5, Menenstraat, 8900, Ieper, West-Vlaanderen, BE Bélgica
contacten telefoon: +32 57 21 46 57
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8516793, Longitude: 2.8889145

opmerkingen 5

  • Maud Gakes

    Maud Gakes


    Echt een geweldige winkel, met een heleboel spullen, super mooie boeken, kogels, granaten, echt alles! Ook alles voor een goede prijs. Een aanrader

  • Grej1 Green

    Grej1 Green


    I’m not sure why given the positivity of the other reviews however when I visited the man at the counter was most unhelpful, unprofessional and arrogant. He spoke to me and my friends in a way befitting delinquents or those who are lesser to him. He was very rude from the get go and he made one of my friends compair his shop to the comedy series black books.

  • mark davies

    mark davies


    Great tour, shifted my perceptions about what the war meant at the time and seeing the broken landscape of hill 60 made it feel real and recent. I did the morning and afternoon tours of the north and south salients.

  • carrie priestley

    carrie priestley


    Great shop with all Manor of military books and items like a mini museum

  • en

    Julie Jackson


    Staff at the shop was most helpful in arranging a tour to include many WW1 sites that were of particular interest to us. Roger, our tour guide, provided a great deal of interesting information about the places we visited. Thank you!!

Winkel in de buurt

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