Salad en Co in Antwerpen

BelgiëSalad en Co



🕗 openingstijden

38-40, Huidevettersstraat, 2000, Antwerpen, Antwerpen, BE Bélgica
contacten telefoon: +32 3 213 21 19
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.217994, Longitude: 4.4044152

opmerkingen 5

  • nl

    Lesley-Ann Poppe


    Lekkerste slaatjes van Antwerpen ❤️

  • nl

    Dirk Van Thielen


    Lekker gegeten

  • Raf Coekaerts

    Raf Coekaerts


    Nice salads and sandwiches. Friendly service.

  • Ruben Kubiak

    Ruben Kubiak


    The salad and sandwich were tasty, BUT 17€ for a salad with ingredients worth 3€ is not OK (and 13€ for the sandwich). Making a salad is not rocket science, i.e. no need to pay for lots of working hours and skills preparing it. Also, we waited 35min for the sandwich and another 5min for the salad. For a salad! With everything already pre-cut in the kitchen and four people working in the restaurant. This is really bad kitchen management.

  • Wesley Coninckx

    Wesley Coninckx


    Great healthy food place, we had a new waitress so our orders got mixed up. But still great food at a great place and price. And the food was so number :D

Restaurant in de buurt

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