Rosario Lier de Lier

BelgiqueRosario Lier



🕗 horaire

15, Eikelstraat, 2500, Lier, Antwerpen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 3 480 37 27
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.1300977, Longitude: 4.5693342

commentaires 5

  • en

    Christophe Heyndrickx


    Best pizza in Lier

  • en

    Idan Abadi


    Very good.

  • Gert Maris

    Gert Maris


    Pizza isn't good at all. Staff very slow and don't seem to care.

  • Tom Willems

    Tom Willems


    A typical Italian restaurant with nice pizza's and pasta options, also a good variety of other dishes at fair prices ( like seafood salades or other italian dishes) . Its a big restaurant yet it still created a kind of private corner for every table, but i would not go as far as calling it romantic. The place is often crowded but they still manage a good table service and and waiting time.

  • Jef Gulickx

    Jef Gulickx


    Went there twice. Even the time when it was really busy, we got our food very quickly. Food itself was wonderful too!

Restaurant la plus proche

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