Retsins Lucifernum de Brugge

BelgiqueRetsins Lucifernum



🕗 horaire

6, Twijnstraat, 8000, Brugge, West-Vlaanderen, BE Bélgica
contact téléphone: +32
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.2098617, Longitude: 3.2281975

commentaires 5

  • Célyne Rousselle

    Célyne Rousselle


    Fantastique ! Que dire ? Magique ? Hors du temps ? Il faut sonner pour que le patron vienne nous ouvrir, C'est 10 euros avec une consommation au choix et Bonjour la découverte d'un lieu aussi insolite. Incroyable. Certainement un de meilleure endroits qu'il m'est été donné de découvrir

  • Jonathan Anderson

    Jonathan Anderson


    This was an interesting place, with the 'vampire' (an elderly gentleman in formal pyjamas, who looked more like Hugh Hefner) greeting us and telling us to look around. Gothic art (for sale) is everywhere and there's also a cool bar where strangely you go from creepiness to up tempo Latin music. There's also a beautiful garden and apparently the place is good for dinner and night life, stakes optional.

  • Sam Rios

    Sam Rios


    After struggling to find a nice place to drink in quiet Bruge, I remember reading about this place. We arrived close to closing time, but the kind (in character) owner let us in and we were there for 3hrs. The whole house is atmospherically and creepily decorated with ambient music where you are finally led to a bar downstairs for musical entertainment. The owners clearly enjoyed and went out of their way to show us a good time. Honestly one of the best bars I've ever been to! Hands down.

  • en

    Steve Sitkowski


    One of the coolest places I have ever been to. Just trust me on this one . . . It’s an incredible experience from the moment you ring the bell

  • Melody Kao

    Melody Kao



Bar la plus proche

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