Restobières in Bruxelles




🕗 openingstijden

9, Rue des Renards, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 511 55 83
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8370283, Longitude: 4.3476259

opmerkingen 5

  • Irene M.

    Irene M.


    Good food, good beer on tap and cheerful staff. Had delicious lamb and rabbit and thoroughly enjoyed the desserts

  • Morris Ng

    Morris Ng


    Good food and warm services. Feel like I am eating in a family dinner. Starter and main courses are excellent. Dessert are a bit too sweet to my taste.

  • Matteo Beggiato

    Matteo Beggiato


    We visited the restaurant on the Saturday night before Easter and it was a very good experience all considered but for the waitress who was not really friendly.. It took some 5min to figure out the beer and the food and she was kind of pissed and afterwards with the tip (more than 10%) she didn't even say thanks! All and all the food was delicious (waterzooie and rabbit we ordered) and they both came well presented and very tasty! Go and you won't feel disappointed!!

  • Alan Dibb

    Alan Dibb


    Loved this little restaurant. So quirky with large collections of memorabilia. And the food was superb too.

  • Sofie Kempeneer

    Sofie Kempeneer


    Awesome authentic Belgian restaurant. A lot of the offered dishes (starters, main and desserts) are prepared with beer. There is a special beer only available at this restaurant. "For Mi Diable" is a blond beer. Menu's in French and English. The cook is the owner of the place.

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