Restaurant Beethoven in Brugge

BelgiëRestaurant Beethoven



🕗 openingstijden

6, Sint-Amandsstraat, 8000, Brugge, West-Vlaanderen, BE Bélgica
contacten telefoon: +32 50 33 50 06
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.2085505, Longitude: 3.2233023

opmerkingen 5

  • fr

    Elisabeth Queval


    Restaurant a éviter.Très cher pour la simplicité du plat. Beaucoup de choix noté sur la carte a l' extérieur, mais plus rien de disponible à l'intérieur. Tres déçu. Par contre le cadre est simple mais efficace et le patron discret.

  • Emanuele Noseda

    Emanuele Noseda


    Nice place in the center of Bruge. We had a nice lunch for a good price (only €20.50) for a soup, a steak and coffee. Quality/price rate was perfect. The meat was fresh and soft with aboundant side dishes (salad and fries). Everything was very tasty including mussels and frog legs, which we also ordered. The interior is cozy and clean. Good for a romantic lunch. Would have been nice to hear classical music (Beethoven to be in line with the look and name of the place) instead of commercial songs.

  • Elia X

    Elia X


    Cosy atmosphere, small place which hosts few people. The music did not match the name. There is a fireplace (bioethanol powered) which warms the place nicely. The soup of the day was nice (nothing special), the meat cooked medium was tasty and served with a cheesy sauce and a bit of salad. What gives this place the extra star is the price for the food, I paid €20 for everything including fries and coffee/tea. Definitely raccomended in such a high tourist dense area. PS. There is no WiFi.

  • Noé Melo Filho

    Noé Melo Filho


    A bit expensive as every place in Bruges. But it was good food

  • igor feoktistov

    igor feoktistov


    Семейный ресторанчик, в историческом центре Брюгге. Хорошая кухня, большой выбор пива

Restaurant in de buurt

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