Résidence La Sapinière de Jurbise

BelgiqueRésidence La Sapinière


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12, Rue des Fusillés, 7020, Jurbise, Henegouwen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 65 70 02 37
site web: lasapiniere.net
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.497369, Longitude: 3.955782

commentaires 5

  • Rich Fly

    Rich Fly


    Stayed here one night for a meeting the next morning. Hotel was nice; however, room smelled so badly of cigarettes that it made me quite nauseated. Perhaps it was due to my quitting smoking and being more sensitive to the odor, but it made the visit nearly unbearable. Staff was quite pleasant and the area was very tranquil. The food was nothing special, but neither was the price, so I wouldn't expect more. All in all, the stay was decent and would have been much better if not for the smell of the room.

  • Donal Hunt

    Donal Hunt


    Update: This review was written when this building was a hotel. My understanding is that it is no longer a hotel. Out of town but probably the best hotel you will find in and around Mons. Rated 4 stars compared to other hotels in the area.

  • Valerie Deplancke

    Valerie Deplancke


    I expected a lot more.. This hotel is listed as a 4 star hotel. You would think it would be great! But the room was dirty! We just didn't enjoy our stay.. The hotel restaurant was a big flop too, we ordered some food but the waiter got our order wrong. So you would think they'd apologize and fix it. But he just mumbled something in french and that was it! The food was also way overpriced. Would not suggest this hotel too anyone. I think this was once worth 4 stars, but it definitely is not today.

  • Ehsan Khan

    Ehsan Khan


    Dont go here without a car! Restaurant is closed on sundays so expect to eat junk. Food is not great as best. Never the less this is the best hotel availabe in Mons!

  • Pascal Terjan

    Pascal Terjan


    Do not go there without a car, it is in the middle of the forest, 20 minutes walk from the closest bus stop. It is however nice by car as it is quite close to the highway and has a parking. Restaurant is closed during week-ends, and there is nothing close to the hotel. The room was quite small. Do not use the stairs, they smell very bad. However, service was good, with always available helpful staff.

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