Railway Dugouts Burial Ground de Ieper

BelgiqueRailway Dugouts Burial Ground


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Komenseweg, 8902, Ieper, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32
site web: www.cwgc.org
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8348314, Longitude: 2.9023029

commentaires 3

  • nl

    Rafael Rondelez


  • Stephen Sheffield

    Stephen Sheffield


  • Bruce Fletcher

    Bruce Fletcher


    So we took a day trip with Quasimodo Tours out of Bruges, which is highly recommended. We travelled right round the rim of the shallow swamp that is Flanders Fields, the site of war on an industrial scale. The desperation, determination of these soldiers was felt at every site. It was such a tragic waste and a legacy that still cost Belgians today with rusting and toxic ammunition lying everywhere 100 years on. I had two great uncles one killed at Gallipoli and one here at the railway yards, Leper. He had won the military cross a couple of years earlier in bitter fighting not far from this site, they must have thought it was the end of the world.... We also went to Hill 60 and the Australian and New Zealand memorial at Polygon wood, so many houses still fly the Australian Flag in the villages and I really appreciate the way the Belgians honor our grave sites and legacy. They are wonderful

Cimetière la plus proche

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