Prim Land in Anderlecht

BelgiëPrim Land



🕗 openingstijden

576, Bergensesteenweg, 1070, Anderlecht, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 526 84 00
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8320384, Longitude: 4.3120587

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    gerald stubbe


    Very nice shop, with all fresh food from spain and Portugal. I thought it was dedicated to spain, but in fact it is more portuguese. They have baccala, fresh pimientos de padron, wonderful picanha and all the chorizos you can't even imagine... And very cheap!

  • Dietrich Moens

    Dietrich Moens


    Great Portuguese supermarket. It has a great selection of Portuguese and Spanish products with great prices. You can also buy fresh warm foods which are delicious.

  • Kuba Sztanderski

    Kuba Sztanderski


    Very good Portuguese supermarket aka iberico

  • en

    Bruno Trocado


    Best Portuguese shop in Brussels, huge variety and very good prices. Butcher, Take away, good selection of wines, good selection of frozen fish... Worth a vist if you are a fan of Portuguese gastronomy!

  • Frederico Martins

    Frederico Martins


    Changed name to Primland, now has butcher and greens. Always do my shopping there on weekends. It has one of the biggest assortment of Portuguese, Spanish and Brasillian products. Try the portuguese pastry like Pastel de Nata.

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