Praxis in Maastricht




🕗 openingstijden

40, Nijverheidsweg, 6227 AL, Maastricht, Maastricht, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 43 361 4020
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.843278, Longitude: 5.7210456

opmerkingen 5

  • The Golden Hordes

    The Golden Hordes


    Er is een kale man met brillen, hij is de team leider of zoiets, ik vroeg hem iets en hij is zo onbeschaafd het is schokkend. Hij begon letterlijk tegen mij te schreeuwen zeggend "kun je niet zelf kijken, heb je geen ogen!" Ongelofelijk!

  • Wolfgang Koeth

    Wolfgang Koeth


    My E-bike was stolen from their bike stand in broad daylight while I was in for 15 minutes (it was locked with a heavy chain). When I approached the location manager and suggested that the work of the thief was facilitated by the old-fashioned bike stand which supports only the front wheel and does not allow for the frame to be locked against something, I got a rather blunt reaction, telling me that this was not his problem and that it was my own fault if I left the bike in their (!) bike stand instead of locking it somewhere to a fence. I strongly suggest Praxis to upgrade both their bike stands and the communication skills of their management.

  • Rodrigo Henriques

    Rodrigo Henriques


    Good customer atention, great variety of good. One place to find all things you need.

  • en

    Keanu Pattipeilohy



  • en

    Pascal Purnot


    Top service

Huisgoederenwinkel in de buurt

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