Pizzeria Bellini in Antwerpen

BelgiëPizzeria Bellini



🕗 openingstijden

75, Transvaalstraat, 2600, Antwerpen, Antwerpen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 3 284 09 88
website: www.facebook.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.2053964, Longitude: 4.4323822

opmerkingen 5

  • Vincent Gallego

    Vincent Gallego


    I had the chance to go for genuine pizza in a small village between Naples and Pompei a while ago... and Bellini is the real deal. A bit on the pricy side but perfect dough, great toppings. It does not get much better than this outside of Italy. Careful though, the choice of wines is literally white or red but all very drinkable.

  • Danny Fernandez Wk

    Danny Fernandez Wk


    Amazing pizzas but the service could improve Arguably the best pizzas in Antwerp but we went in a busy hour and it took too much for them to take the order (over half an hour) and we where trying to get their attention but we might have been in their blindspot. In the end they were super nice with us.

  • en

    C. Lzz


    Pizza is very authentic and good quality italian ingredients, but prices are going higher and higher, pizza of the day last time was between 18-20€ You will not find a place without a reservation, you need to book far in advance, busy place overall so not ok for a quiet dinner

  • Andrew tomlinson

    Andrew tomlinson


    Busy pizzeria with good atmosphere. Pizzas were good and service was efficient.

  • Nick Van Acker

    Nick Van Acker


    Absolutely the best pizzeria in Antwerp! This is the real deal, we've eaten a lot of Pizza's in Italy and this is the only one that can match them. A must do!

Restaurant in de buurt

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