Pizza Hut in Bruxelles

BelgiëPizza Hut



🕗 openingstijden

10, Boulevard du Jardin Botanique, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgia
contacten telefoon: +32 2 223 30 00
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8553817, Longitude: 4.3569437

opmerkingen 5

  • pratap reddy

    pratap reddy


    There is always place for parties. The crust or bread of pizza is too thick compared to the toppings on the pizza. Nice staff and good taste.

  • anila a

    anila a


    J aime toujours bien y aller c est un pizza hut classique mais un "dine in" de temps en temps c est agréable

  • fr



    Des menus bien divers et surtout le buffet a volonté est top ! Idéalement placé

  • Hélène Machurot

    Hélène Machurot


    NEVER AGAIN! Main dishes served before the starters. Not everybody was served at the same time (we were 4). The last starter was served after everybody had finished eating and contained wrong chicken wings (spicy instead of normal... I mean very spicy!). I ordered a pizza rucola toscani, it was unedible! Damn dry! Damn hard! The refill drinks are for sure mixed with water.... the pump was broken and the liquid was flowing on the floor. 10 euros for a cold tiny pizza is exaggerated! I put one star for the commercial gesture we received.

  • nl

    Mediterra Plants


    Gekende pizza hut. Heel vettige pizza's en heel lang wachten op bediening.

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