Pilates byGe de Bruxelles

BelgiquePilates byGe



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5, Blockmansstraat, 1150, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 475 95 03 67
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8404722, Longitude: 4.4633748

commentaires 5

  • Blanche Pellerin

    Blanche Pellerin


    Excellent Pilates classes. This system of exercises helped me to build flexibility and muscle strength. Now I feel much more better. Also I wanna continue these classes and get ahead.

  • en

    A Google User


    I highly recommend Geraldine. She is a highly skilled osteopath and experienced pilates instructor. She is a warm, delightful and caring person. She attracts clients that become friends for life. You will be doing yourself a huge favour to visit her at her new studio.

  • en

    A Google User


    After years of trying various forms of treatment for chronic lower back pain and sciatica I can honestly say Pilates and Osteopathy is best! I never imagined I would be completely free from the pain but with a personalized program of Pilates and regular Osteopathic treatments I feel that my body stronger and more balanced than ever. Geraldine is a wonderful teacher and practitioner with a warm approach and genuine care for her clients.

  • en

    A Google User


    I've started Pilates a few years ago and having Géraldine has a Pilates Instructor AND Osteopath was definitely a PLUS. She was always ready to give me advices on how to get better and improve my posture. I wish I could have her around now that I am pregnant! Géraldine is also always in a good mood, very gentle and works hard to get to her goals. Cléa, Designer, Melbourne, Australia

  • en

    A Google User


    I suffered from severe neck pain for years, with the help of geraldine's treatments and exercises i regained better mobility and comfort in my neck and i could finally play 18 holes of golf again which i had not done for 10 years. I highly recommend her skills. Dr. Adam Russell, veterinary surgeon

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