Pierre Marcolini Pastries served in Bruxelles

BelgiëPierre Marcolini Pastries served



🕗 openingstijden

39, Place du Grand Sablon, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 513 17 83
website: eu.marcolini.com
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8409535, Longitude: 4.354339

opmerkingen 5

  • Carsten Andreasen

    Carsten Andreasen


    Very impressive range of artisan chocolate. Small, intense beautiful pieces. Expensive, but well worth it.

  • Salted Caramel

    Salted Caramel


    I have to satisfy my more caramel than salted cravings chez Pierre in my beloved Brussels. Pierre Marcolini is a high-end chocolaterie symbolized by the minimalistic elegance of a cocoa bean. The service is impeccable; the client is highly respected and warmly welcomed. The staff is knowledgeable about their product and you feel important as soon as you walk in to the boutique. The patisserie is showcased beautifully and the boxes are arranged neatly on shelves. Obviously, I am in love with Pierre Marcolini. Not just the pastries or chocolates, but the whole idea of it and how it makes me feel. For me, it is a must-have when I visit Brussels – a daily delicacy to enjoy as I stroll around the city. I would like to commend the ingenious ideas they have as well, from the creative limited editions to the whole store transformations sometimes. An example of a store transformation I witnessed was when I visited during the summer. The whole building on the Sablon had been intertwined with flowers. It was really beautiful. Even the inside kept the same theme with flowers climbing to the second floor and green grass spread beneath your feet. They had put up an ice-cream stand to cool you off and make you smile just because it is summer. Thank you Pierre Marcolini, for your delicious desserts and for making us keep coming back for more!

  • Jeffrey Edison

    Jeffrey Edison


    I love Pierre's chocolates and always have since I discovered them in his first tiny workshop in a suburb of Brussels -- but they are a delicacy and a bit pricey.

  • en

    Adam H


    Good cakes, but after trying their chocolate, I have expected something much better

  • Barbora Bajtošová

    Barbora Bajtošová


    Excellent products! I recommend trying the chocolate and the delicious "macarons" and other sweets. They also offer the ice-cream in summer.

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