Petit PAUL de Sint-Pieters-Woluwe

BelgiquePetit PAUL



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Metrostation Montgomery, 1150 Sint-Pieters-Woluwe, België
contact téléphone: +32 2 779 31 14
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8374268, Longitude: 4.4072523

commentaires 5

  • fr

    David Van L


    Très bons pain et baguettes. Je vous recommande le pain emmenthal et mimolette. Par contre très moyen niveau des pâtisseries et excessivement chère

  • Nadège Pletzers

    Nadège Pletzers


    Great team!

  • Alexandre Vandermeulen

    Alexandre Vandermeulen


    Had the worst Paul experience since I know this shop. You pay expensive enough to be able to choose between your pastries. Well it's actually like that in Louise where you can just ask for a crescent a bit less baked or just a bit more. Paul's staff will be delighted to find the one for you. Expect for Paul Montgomery where they just don't give a single fu** about it. I had the impression that they had forgot the pastries in the oven because they were all really dark, and I felt like it would have tasted like the one they sell in supermarket. So I just asked to have a less baked one (I could see some behind the lady, coming out of the oven) and the lady told me "no sir this is not possible, that's all we have". Well you know what ? I was really disappointed as I was especially looking for a Paul that morning, and I Googled it to find one near my client's office. I had no choice because I was hungry (and the lady knew it) and as I excepted, my pastries had not the same taste as the one I buy EVERYDAY in Paul Louise. They were just too baked. Well I can just tell you I won't go back to that Paul again > Forget about Paul Montgomery they have no interest in serving the customer as they should.

  • Philippe Dester

    Philippe Dester


    La qualité des produits dépend fortement de l'heure à laquelle vous arrivez. Ne venez pas à l'ouverture vous serez déçus. Par contre je suis allé chercher une viennoiserie ce matin vers. 8h30 et elle était délicieuse. Le chocolat chaud était de nouveau très bon et le gobelet bien rempli. Je mettrais de nouveau 4* quand la qualité et le service ne dépendront plus de votre heure d'arrivée . Attention les Bretzels sans grains de sel par dessus, je n'appelle pas cela un Bretzel.

  • pf dp

    pf dp


    Trop cher mais bons produits et tables agréables

Boulangerie la plus proche

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