Passion Chocolat de Brussel

BelgiquePassion Chocolat



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2/4, Bodenbroekstraat, 1000, Brussel, BE Belgia
contact téléphone: +32 2 514 77 14
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8408551, Longitude: 4.3559676

commentaires 5

  • Mohammed Mitwalli

    Mohammed Mitwalli


    Simply delicious... every single piece of chocolate tastes good

  • Johannes Petersson

    Johannes Petersson


    Great chocolates and friendly staff. They invite you to try the chocolate while selecting from all the different variants to put in your box. Each piece has its own taste and if the chocolate looks like a peanut you can be sure it also tastes like a peanut. Wonderful quality and great tasting.

  • Leanne Phelps

    Leanne Phelps


    I got a present, a box filled with various truffles from this place... mmmm, delicious.

  • Kaloyan Stoychev

    Kaloyan Stoychev


    Great chocolates at reasonable prices and very friendly staff.

  • Kiah Price

    Kiah Price


    The only place near the touristy area you should be buying chocolate. Real, authentic chocolate with delicious fillings. The owner will let you try anything and is super helpful. Great quality and great service. I found the pricing super reasonable too

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