Passa Porta in Brussel

BelgiëPassa Porta



🕗 openingstijden

46, Antoine Dansaertstraat, 1000, Brussel, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 502 94 60
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.849593, Longitude: 4.346756

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Daphne Carolus


    Passa Porta is probably one of the only bookstores in Brussels that carries Dutch literature. The bookstore is fairly nice but overpriced. Staff can be pretentious. The International House of Literature is a nice initiative but has to exist under the burden of a pompous board.

  • Anna Braem

    Anna Braem


    Great place but expansive new books except when they have discounts you can find really special beautyful book's

  • en

    Mark Roobroeck


    A real bookshop, for book lovers - there are few of them left. Mostly Dutch literature and non-fiction, choice selection in English.

  • Marc & Evi Loddewijkx - Kenens

    Marc & Evi Loddewijkx - Kenens


    Great bookshop with a lot of Dutch books (which is rarely in Brussels). Also a broad section English books

  • Soraya Bel

    Soraya Bel


    Nice bookshop with Dutch, English and French literature. The place also hosts a big annual literary festival every year around March with more than 100 authors.

Boekwinkel in de buurt

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