Parkhotel Kortrijk in Kortrijk

BelgiëParkhotel Kortrijk


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🕗 openingstijden

2, Stationsplein, 8500, Kortrijk, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 56 22 03 03
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8249524, Longitude: 3.2636959

opmerkingen 5

  • Jannik Kappel

    Jannik Kappel


    Very nice hotel. Located right by the train station. Has a cozy bar with outdoor sitting as well as complimentary pool, sauna and steam bath facilities.

  • en

    Colleen Hughes


    Fabulous hotel. Conveniently located. Excellent breakfast, good service all round. Would highly recommend.

  • Christian Grima

    Christian Grima


    Very nice hotel in the city centre right in front of the train station. Room is equipped with all basic necessities, toilet was creamed in a small corner though. Staff very helpful and restaurant is very good as well.




    Welcoming services, good cocktails, clean rooms, cozy beds, nice pool, tasty and generous breakfast. What else want in a hotel? Maybe just warmer air in the rooms here. I recommend this hotel for your stay.

  • Derya Demircay

    Derya Demircay


    Great hotel and spa facilities! Big space and seems to be popular. The spa was very good, the swimming pool, jacuzzis and saunas were very enjoyable. Everything is clean, modern and of quality. Jules bar was also a nice spot. I assume in summer time it would be even more enjoyable. Sunday breakfast was a bit crowded.

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