Panos de Mortsel




🕗 horaire

14, Statielei, 2640, Mortsel, Antwerpen, BE Belgia
contact téléphone: +32 3 449 11 82
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.1704556, Longitude: 4.4514353

commentaires 5

  • nl

    Johan Koene


    Toppie... lekker en vriendelijk.....

  • Cindy Broeckaert

    Cindy Broeckaert


    Tof sever en altijd leuk mens hier

  • nl

    Vicky Van Dyck


    Écht gezellig , en rustig om daar te gaan eten.

  • nl

    Bieke Gysen


    Leuke plek om te ontbijten en te lunchen of een vieruurtje eten. Heel vriendelijk

  • Frédéric Hannes

    Frédéric Hannes


    A typical Panos store like any other, with the usual good quality standards. The sandwiches here are quite good and there's a cosy seating area, with even an outdoor seating area in the back for warm days. A downside to this store is that it is rather narrow, making it hard to pass by customers who are ordering to get to the seating area. It may even be hard to get into the store when there are a lot of customers, which may block the door.

Restaurant la plus proche

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