Otium Cucina Italiana , Wine bar / Lunch & Diner in Gent

BelgiëOtium Cucina Italiana , Wine bar / Lunch & Diner



🕗 openingstijden

16, Ajuinlei, 9000, Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 9 256 43 05
website: otium.gent
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.0511102, Longitude: 3.7200042

opmerkingen 5

  • Migena Kuçi

    Migena Kuçi


    Very good service, very kind. Nice ambience. And most important : best restaurant food I eat. Very great place, good atmosphere. The staff are very professional and nicely. I highly recommend this restaurant.

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    Rick Damon


    I've overlooked this restaurant for the longest time so I'm really glad we cancelled our previous reservations at another restaurant due to foul weather. On last minute impulse we popped into Otium ... Nice to get out of the rain. They seated us close to the open kitchen which was nice and cosy with a view of the chefs working ...

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    Marijke Demedts


    Great Italian restaurant. We've visited Otium several times, on our own or with friends or family. We've never been disappointed, on the contrary : we witnessed every time the warm hospitality and care for every guest and enjoyed the delicious authentic food, according to season and based on the cuisine of Southern Italy, served with nice Italian wine. The only advice we can give is to take enough time to enjoy all the taste that has been obtained by apparently simple, but very pure and fresh ingredients, and you will like it even more. A restaurant you would like to discover when you are abroad : a nice place, frequently visited by local people, where you find the best authentic food for the best price and where you may share the relaxed atmosphere created by very friendly hosts and their staff. (posted by Jan en Marijke)

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    Robert Sens


    We enjoyed an absolutely phenomenal dinner at Otium for my birthday. The food and service were incredible and the wine pairing was perfect. I will definitely be back!

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    James Kingston


    Three dinner in the last two weeks, and this restaurant can't made a mistake. Food is perfect, the staff also. The value absolutely perfect, the quality is very good. The vegetable dishes, the pastas and main dishes are fantastic. Good vines, Classic italian place. Visit it!

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