Opel de Molenbeek-Saint-Jean




🕗 horaire

528, Chaussée de Gand, 1080, Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 414 54 00
site web: garageboden.be
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.858565, Longitude: 4.313075

commentaires 5

  • en



    Worst garage in Brussels I would say! I sent a Opel Corsa which wont start for them to diagnostic. The car had broken ECU(Engine control unit) but they could not find it out but they quoted the common rail(rampe d'injection at 1400Euro to start with and were not sure if it is common rail's problem or not. They would go on and on to change every part even if its not defective on your charge. We paid just the diagnostic fee of 90 Euro and decided to leave. Even though the diagnostic was not correct we had to pay and they refused to give us the diagnostic printed. Moreover now they do not answer the phone to our number anymore. There have been also other horror stories from our friends with this garage. Such as buying a new car from them and they did not provide with the new car the certificate of conformity(CoG) so our friend has to return and pay additional 200euro for it to them. Stay away from them as they are thieves. I will also stay away from Opel also.

  • en

    Tom Peeters


    Very poor service Thieves and liars They tried to deceive my wife and gave her a wrong explanation, we paid, but did not get the right solution Women watch out, they think they can make you believe everything Beware 50% more expensive than in another garage

  • en

    Linda Meunier


    Super service

  • Ammar Issam Hamza

    Ammar Issam Hamza


    Well organised but expensive a little bit

  • Ionut Mihai

    Ionut Mihai


    After I went at Garage Boden in Brussels for repairing the hail damage sustained by my Insignia I have been very impressed by their team professionalism and correctitude. Brigitte (After sales advisor), Aziz (Head of customer relations) and Michel (Head of paint shop) are really pleasant and "customer orientated" employees, therefore, I will gladly recommend this garage to all my friends owning Opel or Chevrolet. As for me, from now on, anytime my Insignia will demand attention again I'll confidently return here knowing that my car will be in good hands. See you next time ;) Ionut Mihai

Réparation automobile la plus proche

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