Olmense Zoo in Balen

BelgiëOlmense Zoo



🕗 openingstijden

45, Bukenberg, 2491, Balen, Antwerpen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 14 30 98 82
website: www.olmensezoo.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.1280324, Longitude: 5.1461932

opmerkingen 5

  • chi bel

    chi bel


    If you love animals, you must visit here 😍😍 the park is not too big for a walk...but just enough enjoying walking with small kids or who does not like a long walk.... visit Olmense Zoo!

  • Dries Peeters

    Dries Peeters


    Love it. You can really see the animals :)

  • Bert Muylaert

    Bert Muylaert


    Nice place for a short visit. Some older parts but improving...

  • en

    Gert Bovens


    Nice little zoo to spend the day Plenty of animals to see and places where the kids can play We did see some closed down sections but probably because of the winter and they are remaking some cages... Afterall a day well spend!

  • Ahmed Kaddour

    Ahmed Kaddour


    A zoo is a zoo. If you live animals this is the place to come and visit them. Personally I hate seeing animals in CAPTIVITY NO WHAT EXCUSES YOU MAY HAVE ANIMALS SHOULD ALSO BE FREE IN NATURE

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