O'Fiach's de Mechelen




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24, Grote Markt, 2800, Mechelen, Antwerpen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 15 65 01 21
site web: www.facebook.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0276131, Longitude: 4.4810864

commentaires 5

  • Peter Sleeckx

    Peter Sleeckx


    Heated terrace, friendly staff and great food in the center of Mechelen

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    Wouter Boonen


    Very nice place to get a drink! Great atmosphere and staff. The food menu is rather small but the burgers as well as the fish and chips are very good.

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    Cozy Irish pub, gets full quite fast, wouldn't advise it for large groups as it may turn out to be difficult to get everyone seated. Would definitely recommend it for a date or a drink with some friends. Prices were doable although if you want to start drinking pints it can add up quite fast at 6 a piece.

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    Been coming here for years. Love it! For dood and/or drinks with friends. The food is so fresh. Not a lot to choose from, but what's there is very very good. Staff is very friendly. Also a great place to watch sports.

  • Thomas McHugh

    Thomas McHugh


    Great place for a quiet drink, good staff that spoke excellent English. Very small good menu, but the fish and chips looked and smelled amazing. Don't get the nachos, they are chips and salsa, lol. Overall just fine!

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