Nooz de Vlaanderen




🕗 horaire

40, Nachtegalendreef, 2280, Antwerpen, Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 14 50 20 53
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.1750325, Longitude: 4.7228609

commentaires 5

  • Nick Van Acker

    Nick Van Acker


    The most relaxing experience to date.

  • Koen Schelfhaut

    Koen Schelfhaut


    Extraordinaire ! ❤

  • Jp Venken

    Jp Venken



  • Mau Tawil

    Mau Tawil


    Extremely interesting idea and concept. The only real minus is the quality of the food, well bellow what is to be expected in a wellness center. I would advice the owner to switch to a more healthy diet and menu

  • Tjerk Bouman

    Tjerk Bouman


    Oh how much we enjoyed our nooz experience. Duomassage, mystical water, great food and amazing room to spent the night in. We were able to relax completely and received a VIP treatment. We defenitely will start saving again to come back one day. We truly advice everyone to go and Nooz!!

SPA la plus proche

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