Muziekhandel Leo Caerts in Leuven

BelgiëMuziekhandel Leo Caerts



🕗 openingstijden

90-92-94, Naamsestraat, 3000, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 16 23 07 77
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8738209, Longitude: 4.699732

opmerkingen 5

  • Iván Andrés Mendoza Vázquez

    Iván Andrés Mendoza Vázquez


    Wonderful 365 day upgrade program.

  • Niels Malliet

    Niels Malliet


    Nice atmosphere. Kind and quick service.

  • Boon Breyne

    Boon Breyne


    As Alric perfectly describes, the strategy of the salesmen is ridiculous, arrogant and unrespectful. Prejudging people on how much money they have and then shouting them off not to touch anything. However, looking at pianos without hearing them is not really the deal you're looking for in a music store.

  • en

    Dirk Jochmans


    Nice people, very experienced. Beautiful shop.

  • en

    Josh M


    They provided extremely courteous, helpful service while I deliberated on a purchase (and they were very polite despite how long I took to deliberate), and when the product proved to have a manufacturer error (that the manufacturer delayed on replacing by mail), they helped advocate/mediate replacement and made sure to try and shorten the delay as much as they could. The people at Leo Caerts made what would have been a very frustrating delay (caused by the manufacturer) into something more manageable, and it all worked out very well because of their efforts! I'm glad I purchased here instead of online options.

Elektronica winkel in de buurt

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