Museum of Contemporary Art de Gent

BelgiqueMuseum of Contemporary Art



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1, Jan Hoetplein, 9000, Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 9 240 76 01
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0382165, Longitude: 3.7224126

commentaires 5

  • Sandra H

    Sandra H


    Great building with quite a few interesting work

  • Lucian Alexe

    Lucian Alexe


    Good selection of modern art. You can easily spend at least half a day wondering though the collection. Easily accessible from the train station and close to other museums.

  • Androniki Deleva

    Androniki Deleva


    Downstairs are the temporary expositions and upstairs the permanent pieces and some temporary exhibits. Make sure to read about the exhibits before you pass them by; Vestiaire is for free.

  • Patrick Merlevede

    Patrick Merlevede


    I became a "friend" of the museum, so that I can visit it whenever I want - given membership also gives me reductions on pieces of art, it pays for itself - the current exhibition downstairs wasn't my favorite - but upstairs was a great experience

  • Bruno Andrade

    Bruno Andrade


    i liked the congo part but the modern art stuff is just boring and hard to understand cause there is no explanation card on it

Musée la plus proche

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