Musée Oldmasters Museum de Bruxelles

BelgiqueMusée Oldmasters Museum



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3, Rue de la Régence, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgia
contact téléphone: +32 2 508 32 11
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8416199, Longitude: 4.3581793

commentaires 5

  • John Dorris

    John Dorris


    If you like the old masters then it's a must. There are some beautiful pieces here. There are two other museums that share the building. I came here specifically to see the death of Marat, but enjoyed the other pieces. I definitely recommend the audio tour guide, which is a few extra euros. The paintings do not have a lot of information posted, so the audio tour guide is an informative extra. The dude at admissions did not offer the audio guide, I had to ask whether one was available. The gift shop is kind of hidden, but there is one with a variety of items to commemorate the visit. You can take photographs of the works, but you cannot use a flash.

  • fr

    Lawrence Moy


    Grande musée dans tous les sens du terme : aussi bien au niveau de taille et du nombre de pièces exposées, qu'au niveau des oeuvres qui sont des chefs-d'oeuvre. Beaucoup de grand tableaux, des sculptures.

  • Rick J

    Rick J


    The Old Masters museum is a part of the Royal art museums in Brussels and is a must see if you are an art lover. The gallery is on the top floor and there is plenty of light to do the paintings justice. Most of the paintings are from European artists between the 15th to the 18th centuries. Just below the gallery is the cafe, bar and restaurant so there is no need to leave the museum for food or drinks. The museum shop has prints and memorabilia from most of the artists

  • Rui Gomes

    Rui Gomes


    A set of interconnected museums that will make the day for art lovers. Highly recommended.

  • Richard Wingfield

    Richard Wingfield


    A pleasant enough museum to while away an hour or so, but if you're looking for the best of the Old Masters, I think you'll be disappointed. There are few significant pieces - although David's 'The Death of Marat' is a notable exception - although the more ardent fan of the period will no doubt find it more interesting. Whilst I was there (April 2017), many pieces had been taken down for restoration. There is almost nothing in the way of English explanations or details of the paintings, so an audio guide will help. Unless you're a hardcore fan of the Old Masters, I probably wouldn't go out your way to come here. The quiche in the restaurant was, however, excellent.

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