Mr. Tire Evere in Evere

BelgiëMr. Tire Evere



🕗 openingstijden

10, Avenue L. Mommaerts, 1140, Evere, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 736 00 04
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.856351, Longitude: 4.412087

opmerkingen 5

  • Martin Hill

    Martin Hill


    Good friendly service. Comfortable waiting room. Price competitive

  • James Hen

    James Hen


    I've been here a few times and never had any problems. They offer a relatively quick service, and there is a nice waiting room. You don't need an appointment either.

  • Philippe Van Der Gucht

    Philippe Van Der Gucht


    Went in a few minutes before closing time expecting to have to make an appointment and they changed my 4 tires anyway! Amazing service.

  • en

    svety fox


    NEVER AGAIN! The poor workers inside work like slaves (super fast and stressed), while the greedy boss watches over like a hawk! At first glance looks professional garage, but the service is worse than AMATEUR. Also EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE! I went there with a question and the asnwer costed me 100 euro, without communicating in advance what needs to be done!!!!!!

  • Gian Luca de Vincentiis

    Gian Luca de Vincentiis


    very good and fast service. It is possible to go without booking in advance. Waiting room confortable with sofas, free wi-fi, TV, coffee machine, etc. employees helpful and professional. Prices with no surprises and readable in advance.

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