Mr. Ecowash in Gent

BelgiëMr. Ecowash



🕗 openingstijden

205, Brabantdam, 9000, Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE Belgien
contacten telefoon: +32 484 51 00 64
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 51.0494262, Longitude: 3.7333778

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Luca M


    Change machine and Soap dispenser dont work, so you better bring the exact amount of money (4.5€) and your own soap. Wash is ok.

  • Shivangee Rathi

    Shivangee Rathi


    I wanted to wash all my clothes (which were a lot) in one go, so I went for the only 14kg washing machine present at the Ecowash. After paying 9.5 euros for the big washing machine (nr. 8), I found that the machine didn't work at all. I was so pissed off. Not a reliable place to do your laundry. The dryers were also okay-ish.

  • Kate Craig

    Kate Craig


    No detergent in the vending machine, dryers 11, 12, and 13 do not have any heat. Clothes came out as wet and cold as they went in. :(

  • Robbie Storey

    Robbie Storey


    Ok. Vending machine has no detergent when i visited for a few days in a row. Other than that. Clean and as expected.

  • Koen Depoorter

    Koen Depoorter


    Heel proper wassalon pal in't centrum! Ideaal om een kopje koffie te gaan drinken (aan de overkant) of wat boodschappen te doen aan 't Zuid... Vast tarief van 4,5€/kleine machine onafhankelijk van het programma. Enkel overdag kan het soms wat druk zijn doordat er ook horecalinnen wordt gewassen. Maar men probeert steeds machines vrij te maken voor de klanten.

Wasserij in de buurt

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