Moor&Moor de Gent




🕗 horaire

7, Jakobijnenstraat, 9000, Gent, Oost-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 495 23 69 83
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.052139, Longitude: 3.719882

commentaires 5

  • Kyle Foss

    Kyle Foss


    Nice location and good coffee. They also have some assorted food you can purchase. Hard to describe exactly what type of food they carry, but it's all good!

  • Laetitia Huijens

    Laetitia Huijens


    Very small space and when crowded it is not really pleasant to walk around but they have nice vegan products and the vegan donut i had was delicious 🙂. There is a space upstairs that looks comfy for a tea and bakery, I'll gladly go back.

  • Tom Vandenbosch

    Tom Vandenbosch


    Excellent start of the day with quality doppio and smooth music!

  • Rafal Krzysztoforski

    Rafal Krzysztoforski


    Quite ok. Good coffee served in a glass mug. Cool idea. For me the most important was they have USB chargers by the tables.

  • en

    Michael Davies


    Great coffee and chilled/unique atmosphere. Nice place to chill.

Magasin d'alcool la plus proche

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