MOOF Museum de Bruxelles

BelgiqueMOOF Museum



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116, Marché aux herbes, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 2 207 79 92
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8459681, Longitude: 4.3557572

commentaires 5

  • Pubuditha Abeyasinghe

    Pubuditha Abeyasinghe


    Great place to go back in to the age of a kid who loves cartoons.

  • Victor Kerkhoff

    Victor Kerkhoff


    This is for the Belgian comic fans! Great fun.

  • Babak Jahedmanesh

    Babak Jahedmanesh


    Very cool, fun and unique, try it, elevate your geek spirit :))

  • en

    Georgi Yakaliev


    A spectacular view of the moon: an open-air museum at the building of the Town Hall /go inside/. It is free and open daily from 8 am till 10 pm, but the light show is from 5 pm to 10 pm. At 10 pm the museum closes and the music show starts outside. The moon is 7 metres in diameter. Enjoy!

  • Rick J

    Rick J


    The museum of original figurines (MOOF) is another comics based museum located about 150 metres from the Grand Place, you can't miss it as there is a big smurf just outside. It is well worth a visit and has a fix of figurines and drawings and covers the well known comics and movies made of them. It will take you about an hour to wander around the museum and they also have a nice gift shop.

Musée la plus proche

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