MOK Specialty Coffee Roastery & Bar in Leuven

BelgiëMOK Specialty Coffee Roastery & Bar



🕗 openingstijden

165, Diestsestraat, 3000, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 495 31 67 18
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.881474, Longitude: 4.7096405

opmerkingen 5

  • Sophie's Foodie Files

    Sophie's Foodie Files


    Great coffee, also avaibale is soy milk, for me. No soy milk anymore, only oat milk. The interior is not so cool, a bit empty & not so cosy at all. The prices are okay. But the staff is very friendly too. Today, no cookie with my latte with oat milk!

  • Ncedile Mankahla

    Ncedile Mankahla


    Excellent coffee. Bonus are the cardamom buns which are spectacular. They have a blend that caters to the classical palate, also single origin more progressive type. Lovely staff too. A must in Leuven

  • Devon Moonie

    Devon Moonie


    The staff are very inviting, helpful and very knowledgeable when I comes to what they do best, coffee. There coffees are a good representation of the origins in which they roast. You can find there coffees in multiple coffee shops around leuven area.

  • en

    Hans Bergen


    Great coffee and nice vibes. I like to say I know the owner on a personal coffee aficionado level and he is very passionate. You won't find any syrups or spices mixed in and the tables are void of any sugar or milk so as not to let you ruin good coffee. I am, however, rather disappointed in the average skill level of the barista's. I am frequenting the place ever since it opened and I cannot keep track of the number of "barista's" I've seen pass by. I put that between quotes because many people never reached the level imho. They started off without much of an experience with the owner expecting them to acquire it "on the job". This lack in skill is ,however, reflected in the drinks served to the customers. I might be a (very) critical customer, but when I visit a coffee specialty bar, I expect a flat white from which the milk doesn't taste sour because it hasn't been heated enough or a doppio which doesn't make my lips curl away because the shot is unbalanced and much too acidic. I am a big fan and supporter of all people at MOK, but you're not there yet. Keep on aiming higher. ;-)

  • Manie Conradie

    Manie Conradie


    Very nice coffee and friendly staff. Their coffee suggestions can be trusted. Home roasted. Just keep in mind that they do not accept cash.

Cafe in de buurt

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