MOK Specialty Coffee Roastery & Bar in Brussel

BelgiëMOK Specialty Coffee Roastery & Bar



🕗 openingstijden

Antoine Dansaertstraat 196,1000 Brussel, 1000 Brussel, Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 513 57 87
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.852817, Longitude: 4.341749

opmerkingen 5

  • Gilad Rave

    Gilad Rave


    I really enjoyed my morning here. The vibe is very relaxed and I loved the separation between the coffee bar and the kitchen at the back. The dishes were good and the coffee was nice.

  • Inge Van Bruystegem

    Inge Van Bruystegem


    it s a great place. good food. only i got sick in the night i am not sure if it was from the chia puding the fermented pineapple or something i ate later somewhere else... i did think more fruit and a little more fluid and sweet in the pudding would have been nice... still they are on a roll and i love the place.

  • Ryan Brown

    Ryan Brown


    If you love coffee and speciality single origin espressos and the like then this is a must stop place. Clean crisp interior and the coffee is top quality. Light roast third wave style roaster/bar. Lovely inviting and friebdly staff.

  • Christina C

    Christina C


    Great coffee place in the heart of Brussels! Cozy atmosphere & delicious home-made plates! Highly recommended for a take-away coffee or a meet up with friends

  • en

    Tomas Foldes


    Very good quality coffee. In Brussels only comparable to Parlor Coffee. However, often the freshest grains on the shelves are already 2-3 weeks after roast date (as opposed to MOK in Leuven).

Cafe in de buurt

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