Mi-Orge Mi-Houblon in Arlon

BelgiëMi-Orge Mi-Houblon



🕗 openingstijden

43, Zone Artisanale, 6700, Arlon, Luxembourg, BE Belgia
contacten telefoon: +32 473 42 58 36
website: www.miorgemihoublon.be
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 49.6471306, Longitude: 5.8265145

opmerkingen 5

  • fr

    Mathieu Lamonarca


    Boutique qui propose un vaste choix de bières de micro-brasseries du monde entier. Propriétaires à l'écoute de la clientèle, bon accueil à plusieurs reprises.

  • Cédric Flandre

    Cédric Flandre


    If you are looking for good special beer there you usually don't find in supermarket, this is the right place. Friendly staff is there to help you and guide you in your choice. It's full of special beer from : - Belgium - all over the world - and exceptional IPA - gift ideas

  • Jeffrey McFadden

    Jeffrey McFadden


    It looks like a warehouse on the outside but inside is very cool, clean and organised. The clerk was very helpful and spoke English. The selection was great!

  • fr

    Hesbois Valentin


    La bière est avant tout un vecteur social, un moment de partage et cela il l'ont compris. L'accueil, les produits, la philosophie, tout y est génial

  • en

    Wes L


    This guy knows his beers and his inventory proves it. You will find many lesser known but high quality breweries represented plus a few big guys too. It's a must see for Belgian beer lovers. Definitely ask for recommendations. Cheers.

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