Merlijn in Zonnebeke




🕗 openingstijden

70, Oude Wervikstraat, 8980, Zonnebeke, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 57 46 85 55
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8503885, Longitude: 3.0038206

opmerkingen 5

  • nl

    Gino Delporte


    Zeer lekker Veel aandacht ook voor de mensen die geen wijn drinken

  • nl

    Cindy Poleyn


    Super!!! We komen zeker nog terug. Jammer dat het niet bij de deur is.

  • Andrea Vrazhalska

    Andrea Vrazhalska


    The two people on the table have to chose the same type of menu. This is problematic if one is allergic to seafood and the other wants seafood. Forced to eat beef which was chewy given the other person could not take the menu that offers lobster. I think there are better options in the area... The chocolates given for desert are nothing special. Starter was nice but disappointed with slow service and no attention to the table. Waited more than one hour for main course and the main course was not worth it.

  • Eva Lee-Gabriel

    Eva Lee-Gabriel


    Hidden gem. This restaurant is fantastic fine dining. Don't be fooled by the rural setting as this restaurant is equal to anything in Ghent or Ypres. This restaurant offered food and wine matching and excellent local Belgium wines. Service is outstanding. If you are in Flanders and want to be spoiled. Go!

  • en

    Roman L


    Killer place. Good food.

Restaurant in de buurt

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