Medical Center Montgomery in Etterbeek

BelgiëMedical Center Montgomery



🕗 openingstijden

14, Legerlaan, 1040, Etterbeek, BE België
contacten telefoon: +32 2 735 02 52
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8372795, Longitude: 4.404616

opmerkingen 5

  • Gelu Avasiloaie

    Gelu Avasiloaie


  • fr



  • fr

    Mina Sgh


    J'ai pas du tout apprécié la seule visite que chez eu chez ce médecin et heureusement que ce n'est pas mon médecin traitant, j'ai pas du tout accroché

  • fr

    dayan R g


    La Meilleur gynecologue que j ai connue

  • en

    Jamie Lee


    Terrible. I went because I have had a heavy cough for about one year. He just gave me a prescription for a cough syrup even though I told him that it has not worked. On top of the cough, I have hard time breathing, headaches, and skin infections. I also said that we are tackling the humidity in our apartment as it is at 90 most days and we found mould infestation in our bedroom. He told me my symptoms could be in my head bought out from the mould. My recent blood test also says I have allergies to humidity, but he says that does not exist. Waste of time. Thanks for nothing.

Ziekenhuis in de buurt

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