Markt 38 de Poperinge

BelgiqueMarkt 38



🕗 horaire

38, Grote Markt, 8970, Poperinge, West-Vlaanderen, BE Belgium
contact téléphone: +32 57 33 73 31
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.8558163, Longitude: 2.727208

commentaires 5

  • Tonny Remmery

    Tonny Remmery


    Lekker,doch het vlees te hard gebakken

  • Michael Peeters

    Michael Peeters


    Zeer lekkere steak met champignonroomsaus! Ik durf zelf zeggen één van de beste champignonroomsauzen dat ik ooit hen gegeten. Aanrader!!

  • nl

    Elke Degrieck


    Zeer verzorgd. Verfijnde keuken.

  • en

    Stanislav Kolev


    Too slow service

  • Kevin Patrick

    Kevin Patrick


    A simple little town square with a few attractive buildings. Quite a lot of work has gone in over the past few years to upgrade and tidy the look of the town. The weekly Friday market is a typical country affair, with local fish, cheese, and good produce. Three or four bars and restaurants as well, but not much else. Overall, pleasant, but not a lot in this town centre to hold the attention for long.

Restaurant la plus proche

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