Malting Pot in Bruxelles

BelgiëMalting Pot



🕗 openingstijden

50, Rue Scarron, 1050, Bruxelles, BE Belgien
contacten telefoon: +32 2 646 79 66
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8298377, Longitude: 4.372665

opmerkingen 5

  • Xavier Dekeuleneer

    Xavier Dekeuleneer


    Beau choix de bières artisanales mais prix élevés

  • Loïc Van de Steen

    Loïc Van de Steen


    A great place. The choice of beers is just astounding and not limited to Belgium but worldwide. The tenant is sympathetic and of good advice. Great place for great beer lovers.

  • Jørgen Grinnes

    Jørgen Grinnes


    Good selection of beer. Mostly Belgian, some foreign. Friendly proprietor; he also speaks English excellently.

  • David Delruelle

    David Delruelle


    Mon marchand de bière préféré avec Malt Attacks à Saint-Gilles. Large sélection de grande qualité, de nombreux pays.

  • Mathieu Geeraerts

    Mathieu Geeraerts


    Nice little beer store with a pretty good selection of beer to pick from. If you're in the area it's a good place to stop in and find something out of the ordinary. The prices are ok but since it's beer you won't find at the grocery store it's ok to pay a little more.

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