Magritte Museum in Bruxelles

BelgiëMagritte Museum



🕗 openingstijden

3, Rue de la Régence, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 508 32 11
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8424057, Longitude: 4.3586407

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Lauren Maille


    Polite staff and easy to navigate... went on a Monday morning and it wasn’t too crowded. Unfortunately a couple of the paintings I wanted to see were not there and were being “examined scientifically” :(

  • Francis Laleman

    Francis Laleman


    Horrible door2door experience. Bottlenecks everywhere. No signposting. Cafe closed but nobody knew or told us. Impolite staff. Very child-unfriendly. No story, no experience, no thrill. Rooms are dark like caverns, staff warned our children to whisper instead of talk. Our children started full of enthusiasm, which got killed within 5 minutes. For the management and staff, we suggest a study tour in UK, or anywhere else - and an intensive course in LEAN museum management, maybe at V&A, London.

  • Ioanna Ioanna

    Ioanna Ioanna


    The biggest disappointment in Brussels! I am a huge fan of the artist and I still hated it. The lighting is awful, it produces too much glare and you cannot really enjoy the painting (or even see it if you go too close). You don't get to see any of the well known paintings, mostly scribbles and small canvases. The explanation is very short and in French, so no info without the audio tour. The tour of the museum starts at the 3rd floor (they kinda make you start there) which is stupid and inconvenient, since the tickets are issued in the second basement. The museum is very poorly organized and feels cold and impersonal. It's sad that they could have done so much more and didn't! Just don't go!

  • en

    Kristian Kyneb


    Don’t do the museum without some kind of a guide. The information at the exhibition is poor and once you are in you do not have the option to acquire one. The QR codes are at the entrance. Lots of correspondence material without any explanation. Lacking many of the most famous paintings by the artist.

  • Joy De Noon

    Joy De Noon


    It is worth buying a ticket to this small museum just to see the views of city of Brussels!! The have an extensive collection of his art and the gift shop has all things Magritte .A must visit place for Magritte fans. A short walk from public transportation and easy access to nearby historic buildings/landmarks as well as local businesses.

Museum in de buurt

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