Maastricht School of Management in Maastricht

BelgiëMaastricht School of Management



🕗 openingstijden

150, Endepolsdomein, 6229 EP, Maastricht, Maastricht, NL Netherlands
contacten telefoon: +31 43 387 0808
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.8374963, Longitude: 5.715973

opmerkingen 5

  • Prof. Ddembe Williams

    Prof. Ddembe Williams


    A well grounded interational institution in business and magement education.

  • Ahmed Elsayed

    Ahmed Elsayed


    Albeit I have met a handful of good lecturers there, the overall experience was very disappointing. My view is that the MSM is more like an "for-profit" enterprise that is perfectly designed to extract as much money from students as possible than an academic institution. The curriculum was shallow focusing on breadth rather than depth. The lectureship was of extremely low quality. Speaking of my personal experience, I can claim that the odour of "racism" can be easily smelled at their employees' offices and their accommodation's reception (the disgraced "Apart Hotel Randwyck"). There were many activities only to keep students busy and give them the feeling that they are doing something in their life. Still, there were some interactive and dynamic workshops that I enjoyed there. If I to evaluate the knowledge that I acquired in the School on a 1 to 10 scale, I can fairly say 2 at best. My suggestions to the School are to change their hollow curricula, hire strong academic lecturers, enforce anti-racism internal policies, listen to students' feedback, and try to be more of a "school" than a "company".

  • Amit Biswas

    Amit Biswas


    If you want to sharpen your business knowledge and grow your network internationally, then this is the right school. During my MBA, I have grown my network both in the Netherlands and in Internationally. Best of all, you can complete your 2 years of MBA within 1 year . You not only save money but time as well. Highly recommended for business professionals who are willing to learn and grow their network in EU & globally.

  • Ali Gaidi

    Ali Gaidi


    Very respectable and high standards organization.

  • emmanuel ogar

    emmanuel ogar


    Well, this is the United Nations, only a lot smaller. A lot of diversity.

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