Lucca Cucina Italiana in Bruxelles

BelgiëLucca Cucina Italiana



🕗 openingstijden

1, Rue Ravenstein, 1000, Bruxelles, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32 2 512 77 68
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.843505, Longitude: 4.358626

opmerkingen 5

  • en

    Aileen Baillie


    Visited on 11th May. The meal was awful, the waiters didn't seem to understand either French or English, we didn't get the drinks we ordered and they were dressed like workmen, HOWEVER, after the meal we spoke to the Proprietor who explained he had only just taken over the establishment, he realised the issues and was working to correct them. It is worth trying again as he seemed to be genuinely determined to improve things. Give him a chance.

  • Andras Kovats

    Andras Kovats


    Service is absolute garbage. We sat out on the hot sun for 60 minutes and nobody even asked if we wanted a drink. They did not have most of the dishes we ordered, and when mine finally arrived it was the size of an appetizer.

  • Irina Derwall

    Irina Derwall


    Pizza was very tasty, good service, nice place to have a rest. It was a cold day, we ordered tee and got as much hot water for our tee as we wanted just free.

  • en

    Devinder Jandu


    I visited this restaurant whilst on a visit to Brussels. Was very pleased with the service - Waiters were pleasant and helpful as I didn’t know the language and they helped with translating the menu. The food arrived quickly and tasted fantastic. Highly recommend this place with a fab atmosphere.

  • en

    David de Lame


    One of the worst restaurant I ever been in Brussels... The waiters are unfriendly and the food is truly disgusting. On top of that, we got served the staters after 2 min and the main dish 5 min later with waiters looking at us hoping that we leave soon and get more people. Just avoid it!

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