Low Cost Bed Point Be in Molenbeek-Saint-Jean

BelgiëLow Cost Bed Point Be


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🕗 openingstijden

39, Rue Ulens, 1080, Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, BE Belgium
contacten telefoon: +32
website: ow-cost-bed-point-be.hotel-brussels.net
kaart en routebeschrijving
Latitude: 50.861494, Longitude: 4.3450463

opmerkingen 5

  • José Gala Naranjo

    José Gala Naranjo


    Beautiful apartment, the bedroom with shower is pretty good. A little cold.

  • Momal Mushtaq

    Momal Mushtaq


    The receptionist is extremely friendly. I was a bit sceptical of the neighbourhood but it all turned out to be fine in the end. Super clean facilities! The lift was out of order so we had to take the stairs to the top floor, which was a bit annoying, but overall, great value for money.

  • Angel Saldivar

    Angel Saldivar


    It's a bit hard to find the place. When you finally find it, you go in and at first you may get the sensation is a low quality hostel, but in reality the beds and the bedrooms are really good! They gave us a full room for just me and my friend. What I liked is that I had flexibility in the check out time. What I didn't like was that is far from the center if you plan to walk so we always got an Uber to go and come from the center.

  • Phoebe Kitcher

    Phoebe Kitcher


    My room was made of chipboard and had a window leading to the hallway with a gappy curtain - ie I had to sleep knowing anyone could watch me if they wanted. The room had a crumpled towel under one of the beds, so presumably it hadn't been cleaned. The ladies toilet had no soap or running water in and black mould. The front door to the building and the door to the hostel were never locked and had no security. It was very cold. My pillow was some kind of mutant lump. The plug socket was falling out of the wall.

  • en

    Tessa Lueddecke


    I'm not one to normally post reviews, but considering this is a health hazard, I feel like this is necessary. This hostel is great, if you like company while you're sleeping. That's right, bed bugs! My entire body is covered in them, I counted 20+ bites on one leg alone. I knew this place was cheap and probably not the best, but I was so disappointed by this. I asked that they do a load of laundry and put me in a different room once I found out, and they tried to make me pay $5 for the laundry. I also got very little simpathy from any of the workers, and I did not feel welcomed at all. Not only that, but they were very disorganized. After telling the receptionist that I needed to print my boarding pass the night before, she said she would be around all night so I could come by to use the computer any time. However, I ended up waiting until past midnight for her and another worker to get back from dinner until I was allowed to use the computer. And even then I was the last person to be helped. All in all, this was quite possibly the worst hostel experience I've ever had, and would not recommend staying here. Honestly, pay the extra $5 a night and stay somewhere else where you'll be respected.

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