Loving Hut de Leuven

BelgiqueLoving Hut



🕗 horaire

65, Tiensestraat, 3000, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, BE Belgia
contact téléphone: +32 16 84 47 02
site web: www.lovinghut.be
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 50.87717, Longitude: 4.7052163

commentaires 5

  • Stef



    A wonderful concept, vegetarian food, ecological, friendly, modern, but most importantly, very tasty! We had the homemade Spring rolls and Noodle soul, to die For! Wonderful place.

  • Lise Lynen

    Lise Lynen


    Altijd superlekker! Zelfs de niet-veggies die ik meeneem en die op voorhand wat sceptisch zijn,komen altijd aangenaam verrast buiten.

  • Kristina Dharma

    Kristina Dharma


    Als je nog twijfelt of veganistisch/vegetarisch eten wel lekker en voedzaam kan zijn, dan moet je je beslist eens laten overweldigen door de heerlijke combinaties die ze hier met veel liefde bereiden!

  • en

    N. M.


    This is a sister restaurant of the Loving Hut Veganerie, with a similar vegan theme, but different menu options. The food here is, again, freshly made and tastes great, but you do pay for it! Service is friendly and the place has restroom facilities, although seating is a bit limited.

  • Koen Veldeman

    Koen Veldeman


    The original 100% plant-based restaurant in Leuven. They make fresh meals on the spot (no fast food) and they taste absolutely wonderful. The staff is very motivated and well-educated - this place really has a heart for vegans. Suggestion menu changes regularly, so there's usually something new to try. The prices are just fine (considering this is Leuven) but mind you: payments are cash only!

Restaurant la plus proche

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